Dining Room
Berman, Judy/A Chrysnbon Product; Blue Candy Dish n.d.; plastic; 1997.1829a
Berman, Judy/A Chrysnbon Product; Red Candy Dish n.d.; plastic; 1997.1829b
Berman, Judy/A Chrysnbon Product; Clear Candy Dish n.d.; plastic; 1997.1829c
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio; Rose Medallion Tea Set 1963; ceramic; 1997.1481
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio; Sheraton Secretary ca. 1945; mahogany, brass, glassine; 1997.1999
ISCO; Latch Hook Area Rug n.d.; uncat.
Messer, Sonia / Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Mahogany Sheraton Sideboard ca. 1975; mahogany, brass; 1997.263
Messer, Sonia / Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Mahogany Duncan Phyfe/Empire Pier Glass ca. 1970; mahogany; 1997.781b
Tripp, Amy; Still Life Painting 1978; paper, watercolors, wood; 1997.601
Tripp, Amy; Still Life Watercolor 1978; linen rag paper, watercolors, wood, graphite; 1997.827
Valentine, Betty; Queen Anne Fiddle-back Side Chair 1964; mahogany, textile; 1997.85b
Valentine, Betty; Queen Anne Fiddle-back Side Chair 1964; mahogany, textile; 1997.85c
Valentine, Betty; Queen Anne Fiddle-back Side Chair 1964; mahogany, textile; 1997.85e

Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; 1940s Bathtub ca. 1975; painted wood, brass; 1997.404a
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/ Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; 1940s Pedestal Sink ca. 1961; painted wood, brass; 1997.404c
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; 1940s Toilet ca. 1961; painted wood, brass; 1997.404d
Kruger, Eloise; Braided Rug n.d.; uncat.
Lowry, Priscilla Holman; Harbor Painting 1963; Masonite, oil paint, gesso, ink; 1997.775

Bruno, Mary; Camel-back Trunk 1978; wood, paper, metal, leather, vinyl filament tape; 1997.511
Grimes, Bernice; Off-white Throw Rug 1964; cotton yarns; 1997.1775
Lowry, Priscilla Holman; Yacht Races Painting 1963; Masonite, oil; 1997.602
Messer, Sonia / Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Duncan Phyfe/Empire Night Table ca. 1970; mahogany, brass, paint; 1997.3b
Messer, Sonia /Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Blue Mahogany Restoration-style Trundle Bed 1972; mahogany, textile; 1997.55 a-d
Rinard, Virginia / Omniarts of Colorado; Floor Lamp 1978; brass, plastic, textile, beads, wire; 1997.1578
Tripp, Amy; Still Life Painting 1978; linen rag paper, watercolors, wood, graphite; 1997.830
Valentine, Betty; Chippendale Easy Chair ca. 1975; cotton textile; mahogany; 1997.173a
Webster, Nancy Lee; Three from Set of Stereographs 1973; paper; 1997.917

Living Room
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; Federal Fireplace and Mantel 1972; wood, plastic; 1997.423
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; Red Bohemian Lustre 1972; plastic, painted wood; 1997.635a
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; Red Bohemian Lustre 1972; plastic, painted wood; 1997.635b
Cowles, Arthur & Mary-Dudley/Chestnut Hill Studio, Ltd.; Fraktur 1966; paper, brown kraft paper; plastic; 1997.1015
Meredith, Lorna; Oriental Rug with Central Medallion ca. 1964; cotton thread, cotton textile; fabric tape; 1997.912
Messer, Sonia / Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Duncan Phyfe/Empire Chest of Drawers ca. 1970; mahogany, brass, paint; 1997.3c
Messer, Sonia / Sonia Messer Imports, Inc.; Duncan Phyfe/Empire Chest of Drawers ca. 1970; mahogany, brass, paint; 1997.3d
Pringle, Mary; Sunset Painting ca. 1980; watercolor paper, watercolors; 1997.748
Roper, Georgia / Charmini; Photograph Album ca. 1975; paper, velvet, photographs, metal; 1997.1032
Valentine, Betty; Queen Anne Easy Chair 1978; cotton brocade, silk, mahogany; 1997.171
Valentine, Betty; Chippendale Camel-back Sofa 1978; textile, mahogany; 1997.281
Valentine, Betty; Globe on Mahogany Stand 1966; mahogany, painted metal; 1997.500
All miniatures are gifts of The Eloise Kruger Charitable Trust
Exhibit by Joslyn Edmond, Kierra Galloway, Megan Jerabek, Haleigh Ortega, and Kaity Walters
Design support by Sophia Perdikaris
Collections assistance by Linda Kohlstaedt