Eloise Kruger's Bar Roombox (photo from the Kruger files)
Neighborhood Bar Re-Imagined
Artist Unknown; Basket n.d.; natural materials; 1997.1823
Artist Unknown; Bottle of Wine n.d.; plastic, paper, paint; 1997.1921
Artist Unknown; Bottle and Ice in Bucket n.d.; plastic, metal, leather; 1997.1923
Artist Unknown; Corkscrew n.d.; wood, metal wire; 1997.1924
Artist Unknown; Set of Eight Glass Goblets n.d.; glass; 1997.1969
Artist Unknown; Seltzer Bottle n.d.; glass, paint; 1997.2029a
Artist Unknown; Etched Amber Glass Tray n.d.; glass, metal; 1997.2057
Artist Unknown; Cocktail Shaker n.d.; metal; 1997.2058
Artist Unknown; Dinner Plates n.d.; glass; 1997.2106
Artist Unknown; Saucers n.d.; glass; 1997.2107
Artist Unknown; Brass Chandelier with Three Glass Globes n.d.; metal, glass; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Glasses with Cherries n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Whiskey Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Blackberry Brandy Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Cocktail Shaker n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Siphon Seltzer Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Copper Tray with Colorful Copper Mugs n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Clear Goblet with Yellow Base n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Carafe & Glasses n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Beer Mug with Foam n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Case of Water n.d.; uncat
Artist Unknown; Cognac Bottle n.d. uncat.
Artist Unknown; Scotch Bottle n.d. uncat.
Artist Unknown; Gold Tray n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Champagne Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Brass Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Corked Bottle n.d. uncat.
Artist Unknown; Pretzels n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Straw Holder with Straws n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Four Wine Bottles n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Cash Register n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Coca Cola Crate with Bottles n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Jug n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknow; Rum Bottle n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unknown; Lemonade Pitcher with Glasses on Tray n.d.; uncat.
Artist Unkown; Silver Metal Glasses in Tray n.d.; uncat.
Dovecraft; Bottle of Chianti n.d.; metal; 1997.1920
McNeely, Paul / Bespoke Miniatures / China Bull; Pair of Filled Coca Cola Glasses 1976; plastic; 1997.1068
Pearson, Eric; Mahogany Chippendale Tripod Table 1970; mahogany; 1997.388
Pearson, Eric; Walnut Queen Anne Mirror 1963; walnut, mirror, cotton thread; 1997.1729
Prescott, Mel; Jacobean Side Chair 1964; wood, leather, brass; 1997.967a,b
Warren, Dick; Victorian Barback 1965; walnut, pine, brass, mirror; 1997.518a
Warren, Dick; Victorian Bar Counter 1965; walnut, pine, brass; 1997.518b
Whittemore, Frances; Pair of Ruby Glass Wine Glasses ca. 1980; glass; 1997.1695
All miniatures are gifts of The Eloise Kruger Charitable Trust
Roombox imagined and designed by Sophia Perdikaris
Collections assistance by Linda Kohlstaedt